Sunday, January 23, 2005

Weather Panel

One thing that is essential to my iPAQ's today screen is the weather forecast. For years I'd been using Journal Bar for this purpose.

I'd often eyed off the cool skinnable options for Weather Panel, particularly Juni's skins, but never made the switch. It seemed a bit frivolous to buy Weather Panel just because it was prettier.

Journal Bar's weather
Journal Bar's weather

Weather Panel
Weather Panel

Last week, I decided to download the trial version of Weather Panel and give it go. To my surprise, Weather Panel was more than just a pretty face. Here are other benefits that Weather Panel has over the weather bar in Journal Bar:
  • the default weather icons in Weather Panel are cuter
  • there are other skins available for the Weather Panel icons
  • Weather Panel can display 7 days weather instead of the 5 days that Journal Bar displays
  • Weather Panel stores more than 7 days worth of weather into the future so it updates even if you haven't synced that day (Journal Bar relies on you syncing every day to regularly update the weather)
Although, to be fair to Journal Bar, the weather bar is only one of its many features. It also has news links from all around the world and a stock checker so it's still worth getting if you are after these other features.

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